St Luke's C of E Primary School

Trust in God
and give of your best

"For each one of us to shine with God’s light
believing we can make a difference in His world." Matthew 5:16

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Attendance Matters! 

Attendance and punctuality is very important to us here at All Saints as we recognise the importance it has on your child's education. 

Things you can do to help your child achieve:

  • Ensure your child attends school every day unless they are ill. 
  • If they are ill please contact the school office ASAP. 
  • Let us know with as much notice as possible if your child/children have appointments at the doctors or dentists. Where possible, appointments should be made outside school time although we recognise this may not always be possible. 
  • Phone the school office EVERY morning before 9.15am that your child is absent, so that our attendance records are accurate and up-to-date. 
  • Make sure your child arrives at school on time. Should they be late, they will need to sign in at the office. 
  • Make sure we have correct contact details for you so that we can contact you about illnesses or absences

If your child needs to be absent from school for any reason other than illness, you will need to complete an absence form ahead of the absence. Where possible we will need to see evidence of the reason for absence, eg hospital appointment letter.

The below form is saved in Microsoft Word format, so there is no need for you to print it. Please save this to your device, complete and then email into the school office with as much notice and information as possible. (

Application for leave of absence (PDF) 


If you have any questions or queries about an absence please contact the school office.



Application for leave of absence (Word Document)