St Luke's C of E Primary School

Trust in God
and give of your best

"For each one of us to shine with God’s light
believing we can make a difference in His world." Matthew 5:16

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Welcome from the Head Teacher

For each one of us to shine with God's light, believing we can make a difference in His world.

Matthew 5:16

Welcome to All Saints Carshalton, Church of England Primary School.

Since 1969, All Saints has been at the heart of the community and we continue to be a happy and high achieving school to this day.

Our children learn in an exciting and stimulating environment where all staff members are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning. We expect these high expectations to be reflected in our pupils and parents and this allows each and every child to reach for and obtain the highest achievements possible, within a safe and Christian environment.

Our ethos is rooted in our nine Christian values: Faith, Love, Hope, Forgiveness, Trust, Friendship, Respect, Peace and Courage. These values, which are shown consistently by staff and children, support us to develop as individuals, becoming more confident and allowing us to celebrate our successes. We show mutual respect and a love of learning in all we do.

Every child is different and has their own talents and skills which we build on in order to prepare them for whatever the future holds, without limits. We value the strong partnership we have with parents and know that with their support our children will develop with confidence, security and success.

We look forward to working in partnership with you and invite you to look at our website to find out more information about our thriving school.

Kind regards,

Mrs Laurielle Jackson

Head Teacher