St Luke's C of E Primary School

Trust in God
and give of your best

"For each one of us to shine with God’s light
believing we can make a difference in His world." Matthew 5:16

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Our priority is to ensure our pupils are kept safe and know how to keep themselves away from harm.

We have a Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Jackson (Head Teacher).

We also have two Deputy DSLs: Mr Matthews (Deputy Head Teacher) and Miss Brimson (SENDCO).

Our Governors with responsibility for Safeguarding are: Mr Adam Pearless (Foundation PCC Govenor) and Fr Daniel Burton (Foundation PCC Governor) both contactable through our main school office


We use guidance from the NSPCC and CEOP to help children understand how to keep safe.

This includes watching videos about how to stay safe when playing online, as well as teaching children about the PANTS rule:

P - Privates are private

A - Always remember your body belongs to you

N - No means no

T - Talk about secrets that upset you

S - Speak up, someone can help

The guide below is to support parents when having those tricky conversations with their children about their body, keeping safe and what to do if they are made to feel worried or uncomfortable.

Bugbrooke Community Primary School - NSPCC Underwear Rule

Mental Health & Wellbeing Resources

Life in School during lockdown - a child's perspective
Top Ten Tips Guide for Parent/Carers and Pupils
Childline Calm Zone

A great collection of activities and tools to use with children to develop a culture of calm.

Public Health England Guidance

for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

The guidance contains several helpful sections for the wellbeing of young people in quarantine. They include details of how children and young people of different ages may react to stress and addresses specifically the needs of SEND pupils.

Communication is vital; the acknowledgement of loss, honesty of the unknown, recognition of anxieties, a focus on the positive and emphasising that change is a part of life can help support good mental health:

To support our school’s vision and ethos; the school identity is rich and secure.

  • Seven Days of Kindness Calendar - it can be adapted to represent one of our values
  • Kindness Matters – Mental Health Foundation animation promotes the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, including being kind to one’s self.

Reflective moments built into a curriculum will teach emotional literacy and help everyone think about their feelings and acknowledge their anxiety. It’s best to have a few strategies to release a feeling of empowerment rather than a huge number that can then feel overwhelming.

10 Ways for Parents to Help Their Children Cope with Change

Support for families pack
Parent resources

Support services for parents


Safeguarding Resources

Home Office Internet Safety leaflet  here

Cyber Bullying leaflet here

E-Safety leaflet here

Social Networking leaflet here

Facebook leaflet here

New Facebook Privacy Settings leaflet here

iPhone Parent Controls here

iPad Parent Controls here

iPod Touch Parent Controls here

Parent Guide to Kindle here

Parent Guide to Snapchat here

Parent Guide to Instagram here

PS4 Parent Controls here

XBox Parent Controls here

Update Parent Guide to Snapchat here

Roblox Advice For Parents

In addition, explore these useful websites -

Here is a Youtube link to Breck's story which I hope you will find helpful - It is called: Lorin LaFave's Story: Lorin LaFave's Story- Breck Bednar-Online Child Safety

Online Safety at Home Packs