Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is extra funding given to schools by the government to help raise the attainment of pupils.
It is paid to schools according to the number of pupils who have been registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years or have been in care for 6 months or longer.
What we want to achieve through Pupil Premium funding:
- raise levels in Reading, Writing and Maths
- support and extend children’s learning
- provide opportunities for children to widen their experiences
- support children’s emotional and social development
- build strong and positive relationships with parents
Schools publish information on how they spend their Pupil Premium. Our report showing how we've spent our funding in this last school year can be viewed below.
Pupil Premium Expenditure 2024-2025
You can find out more information from the Department for Education Website here
If your child is eligible, Pupil Premium will be paid to the school, even if your child does not take up the option of free school meals and they will still have access to the school’s Pupil Premium provision.
If you think you may be eligible, please apply.
You can apply online by collecting an application form from the school office.